‘Big visions small goals’
‘Moving forward with the motherland’
‘Growing with Macau’
Celebrating the 21st anniversary of the return of Macau to the motherland
To celebrate the 21st anniversary of the return of Macau to the motherland and cultivate students’ love of Macau and the motherland, the school held the celebration on 18th December morning. All the teachers and students of the International Section of Kao Yip Middle School (Primary) watched live broadcast in class. When the national anthem sounded, the national flag rose slowly, students’ senses of mission to the motherland and Macau arise spontaneously.

The school principal gave all the teachers and students a speech. He expressed his joy and pride of the return of Macau, as well as the prosperity and development of the motherland throughout the speech. He thought students should take responsibilities to contribute to the motherland. He believed that ‘The stronger the juveniles are, the stronger China becomes’.

為回歸慶祝系列中 “慶祝回歸21週年書法比賽”、“慶祝回歸21週年填色比賽”及“‘大遠景小目標,與祖國同前行,與澳門共成長’班級壁報比賽”進行頒獎。
Awarding to a series of celebrating competitions:
- ‘The calligraphy competition of the 21st anniversary of the return of Macau to the motherland’
- ‘The coloring competition of the 21st anniversary of the return of Macau to the motherland’
- ‘The class wall poster of the 21st anniversary of the return of Macau to the motherland’.
Students’ award-winning works were displayed on the class wall poster for giving their best wishes to Macau’s return to the motherland.

A student in P6C, FangHan Li elocuted the prose [I grow with the motherland] with great passion, vivid description, and sincere feelings. She fully expressed her love of Macau and the motherland and the sense of national pride. Students Hoi Teng, Ng in Grade 1, Tak Yik, Li in Grade 4 and Ka I, Chan in Grade 6 sang the song ‘the motherland and me’ together. The immature singing carried out the solemn lyrics. The national flags and regional flags in their hands waved along with the rhythms, which fully expressed their deep love to the motherland.
In the end, all the teachers and students sang the school anthem together. This activity stimulated students’ heartfelt pride of being a Chinese, as well as promoted the spirits of loving the motherland, Macau, and school.
