The open day and course presentation of Kao Yip International Section Kindergarten
Kao Yip International Section Kindergarten ‘open day and course presentation’ was held on Saturday, 12th December, 2020.
During the event, Mr Ma, the assistant principal, firstly gave a warm welcome to all the audience. He briefly introduced the basic information of Kao Yip’s history, especially the International Section.
Later on, Ms Chu played a video of one finished K1 unit of inquiry ‘Who we are’ by demonstrating six steps of the inquiry cycle: tuning in, finding out, sorting out, going further, making conclusions and taking action. Besides, she presented some videos and photos of children’s daily activities. These parts were followed by the course presentation, which was conveyed by Ms Leanne and Ms Wu: They introduced how IBPYP curriculum facilitate children’s development in the early years.
After the introduction and Q&A sections, parents had the kindergarten campus tour and they enjoyed student exhibitions.


朱碧華老師以《Who we are》為K1探究課程主題,通過“引入、發現、整理、延伸、總結及行動”六個步驟進行介紹,向家長展示了學生在國際課程下的學習情境,同時介紹了學校多彩的活動,包括社會實踐、英語活動、體能活動、主題活動、親子活動等,讓家長更了解孩子的校園活動,體會到多彩多姿的幼稚園生活。


