IB Consultation Visit to our school
我校DP項目自2018年5月成為候選學校以來,相關授權準備工作一直在密鑼緊鼓地進行。IB國際文憑組織為深入了解我校授權準備工作進展,日前委派DP項目資深顧問Catherine Jouffrey女士,專程到我校進行為期兩天的詳細考察和指導。
在兩天緊湊的訪問考察中,Catherine Jouffrey女士分別與學校領導、DP籌備小組成員、部分學生和家長代表訪談,了解學校及社區各方對IB教育理念的理解和支持,以及對DP課程的認知和準備情況。Catherine Jouffrey女士還視察了學校圖書館、電子閱覽室、實驗室、教室、考場、考卷存放室、和學校的各種課外活動教室。
在4月4日下午的總結會上,Catherine Jouffrey女士表示,通過兩天的細緻觀察和訪談,可以看出我校DP授權準備工作正在有條不紊地進行,學校和社區各方表現出對IB教育和DP課程的理解和支持。Catherine Jouffrey女士也為我校籌備工作提出了誠摯的、有建設性的意見。同時她也對我們迅速回應她的意見並提出相應的行動計劃表示讚賞和肯定。最後,她鼓勵我們繼續為授權準備工作努力工作,她對我們非常有信心,並預祝我們早日順利獲得授權。

Since May 2018, our school, as a Candidate School, has been busy preparing for the authorization. In order to inspect on our progress and better guide us towards the authorisation, the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) dispatched Senior Consultant Ms. Catherine Jouffrey to visit our school for two days.
During the busy scheduled two days, Ms. Catherine Jouffrey interviewed our school leadership team, DP authorization steering committee, as well as student and parent representatives, to ascertain how well all school stakeholders understand and support the IB education philosophy and the Diploma Programme. Ms. Catherine Jouffrey also visited the library, digital reading room, science laboratories, classrooms, examination rooms, exampaper storage room and other extra-curriculum activity rooms.
At the summary meeting on 4 April, Ms. Catherine Jouffrey discussed her findings in the interviews and school tour, and said she could clearly see that we have been achieving steady progress for the DP authorization. All school stakeholders have demonstrated understanding and support for the DP. Ms. Catherine Jouffrey also shared some advices to our authorization preparation work. Meanwhile, she was pleased to see our prompt actions in response to her advices. She also encourages us to continue to work hard for the authorization. She said that she is very confident in us and wishes us to be successfully awarded the authorization soon.