To celebrate Teachers’ Day on 7 September, students from the International Section at Macao Kao Yip Middle School initiated a series of touching activities to show their respect for teachers. They prepared flowers, small gifts and greeting cards to express their gratitude and good wishes to teachers, who were moved and filled with happiness.

As the Chinese saying goes “Peaches and plums do not talk, yet a path is formed beneath them”, teachers earn respect by being sincere and disciplined. It is commendable that Kao Yip students can carry forward the traditional Chinese virtue of respecting teachers through actions.


九月七日的電子屏幕上,映入眼簾的是「感謝師恩 您辛苦了!」八個大字。國際中心中學的學生,大早在大堂為全體教師送上了鮮花聊表心意,精心準備了小禮物以表祝福;他們各班別出心裁,給任課教師獻上一份份特別的禮物。小學的孩子們則親手製作繪畫賀卡送祝福給老師。幼稚園的孩子們一邊送上一朵鮮花一邊訴說着想對老師說的真誠而溫暖的話。


