Students from the International Section are qualified as Macao contestants in the IYPT.
2020年1月12日,我校國際部5位學生參加第33屆國際青年物理學家之澳門隊選拔賽,他們當中高一4班陳建平、奧瑪卡山娜和初三6班古樂熙 獲選為代表隊成員,將于本年七月份前往羅馬尼亞代表澳門參加國際比賽。
國際青年物理學家競賽(International youth physicist‘s tournament, IYPT)是一項以團隊對抗為形式的物理競賽。它培養學生綜合運用所學知識分析解決實際物理問題的能力,並鍛煉學生交流表達能力、以及培養學生的協作精神和創新意識。參賽學生就實際物理問題的基本知識、理論分析、實驗研究、結果討論等進行辯論性比賽。
On January 12, 2020, five students from the International Section of Kao Yip Middle School participated in the Macao team selection of the 33rd International Young Physicists ‘Tournament. Among them, Ryan Chan (SM1_4), Omar Kassana (SM1_4) and Rocky Gu (JM3_6) are qualified as contestants on behalf of Macao. The 33rd IYPT will take place in July in Romania.
The International Young Physicist’s Tournament is a physics competition conducted in the form of team confrontation. It aims to cultivate students’ ability to synthesize and apply the knowledge they have acquired to analyze and solve practical physics problems. It can also develop students’ communication skills, foster their team spirit through collaboration and inspire innovation. Students will engage in debate contests in relation to the solution to practical physics problems, which involves basic knowledge, theoretical analysis, experimental research, and result discussion.
(Information about the “International Young Physicist’s tournament” comes from the Internet)

Having arrived early, students are preparing for the Macao team selection of IYPT.

The qualified students and their instructor
Edited by Miss Ho and Mr. Leong