——了解澳門 建設澳門 逐夢灣區
感恩祖國、歌頌澳門,結合了教業中學第9屆”中英雙語節”, 國際部中小幼於12月13日,以愛國愛澳為主題,中英雙語為呈現方式,迎來了盛大的慶回歸20周年大匯演。不僅是當天的慶祝活動,全體師生在11月到12月期間結合教學安排一系列追尋歷史的活動,讓學生更了解祖國與澳門文化。
二、 小幼美術創作:
以《中華人民共和國國歌 》、教業中學校歌為開端,全體師生莊嚴高歌,拉開了大會的序幕。




撰稿人:吳彩雯 校稿人:童振宇
Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Macao’s Return to Motherland
——Understanding Macao Constructing Macao Chasing Dreams to Greater Bay Area
Kao Yip Middle School (International section) held the 9th “Chinese English Bilingual Festival” on the 13th of December to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Macao’s return to China. The school also arranged a variety of educational activities in combination with curriculum from November to December as follows:
- Story sharing: Students were required to collect the stories and the poems about Macao return to China which need to be recited and communicated among the students. It aims to let students actively know more about Macao culture and the spread over the relevant poems to deepen and widen the knowledges of history.
- Primary-kindergarten Visual Arts creation: Visual Arts teachers integrated history with arts in daily life and allowed students to freely express ideas around the theme “Macao in My Mind”. Students actively introduced personal artworks and ideas to others.
- Greeting card competition to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the return to Macao: Craft arts teachers gave instructions to students and they were able to create the greeting cards through learning by doing, which is not only cultivating students’ abilities, but also integrating history and culture into it.
- Middle school’s poster competition: Students collected, sorted out and produced theme-related posters. Meanwhile the class teachers assisted students to finish the posters which were integrated teaching into life and showcased the outcomes throughout the teaching environment.
- Student representatives visit the Return Memorial Hall: Students visited the Return Memorial Hall on 13th of December, learned more about the history and cultures to deepen their expressions and emotions. Middle school student representatives acted as the tour guide to have introductions to their classmates.
- Commemoration ceremony of return: All the teachers and students solemnly sang the “National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China” and the school song to kick off the ceremony. All the teachers and students attentively listened to the Principal’s speech on this special day, and the students who had performed well in various celebrations got the awards on site.
In this fantastic festival, a middle school student shared a talk of “Macao in My Mind”, student representative from P6B shared the study experiences in the exchange activities and presented their learning outcomes through the unit of inquiry. All the students have rich perspectives and gain a lot from listening.
The piano performances presented immediately after by student representatives, the rich emotions of melody led all the students to whisper the song of “My Motherland and I”. In addition, the students from the calligraphy group were on the stage to write the wishes on site to express the blessings to Macao.
Some parents and children sang the song “Country” on the stage. All teachers and students unconsciously sang together as well. At the end of the program, everyone sang aloud to the “Song of The Seven Children” to express the gratitude and affection for the motherland and pushed the entire ceremony to the highest point.
A series of activities enriched the celebrations in November and December this year. The commemoration was entirely participated by the teachers and students. Hence, the festival atmosphere lingered on the campus for a long time.