PYP (Kindergarten and Primary School) Teachers

PYP (Kindergarten and Primary School) has a team of passionate and ambitious professional teachers. We respect, nurture and accompany students with our love and conscientiousness. As IB educators, we consider students’ learning outcomes as our priority goals for professional development. We innovate and embrace challenges.
MYP/DP Teachers

MYP/DP 項目也同樣擁有一支專業底蘊深厚,教學經驗豐富的教師團隊。他們平均教齡在10年以上,其中獲得博士、碩士或雙學士的教師達50%,具有國外著名大學留學背景的教師達75%,100%任教教師都持有IB系統培訓的專業證書。
MYP/DP also has a team of teachers with strong professional background and extensive teaching experience of more than 10 years in average. More than 50% of the team hold advanced degrees such as Double Majors, Master’s or PhD. Approximately 75% graduated from the most reputable universities in the world. All teachers hold professional teaching certificates, and successfully completed official IB teacher training.