
Welcome New Vibrant School Year of 2020-2021!




Kao Yip Middle School (International Section) commenced opening ceremony on the 2nd September, 2020. After a hot summer break, we welcome a breezy autumn this month. While there are different projects ongoing within the school, our students are all well prepared and our teachers are with positive vibes to welcome a great new school year ahead.

On 2nd September 2020 morning, all the teachers were on duty to be responsible for their own tasks to welcome our students, new students were instructed at the hall and existing students directly walked to their classrooms for attendance. All tasks were smoothly proceeded. Whilst the school has been quiet for a month, currently students have returned there is such a warm atmosphere with students’ joyful readings and laughter. With such a great ambience, new expectations, and challenges ahead for all teachers and students.

Waited for long, the day has finally arrived with the students taken up responsibilities in the classrooms and the teachers distributed handbooks and new textbooks. We hope all the students gradually adapt to school environment and be ready for the first term of the year.



After ten minutes rest, all the teachers and students sat in the classrooms to welcome the opening ceremony through broadcast. Firstly, we sang our national song lively together with hope and blessings for the new generations.


Next we had our principal, Mr. Ho giving out a thoughtful and warm speech to all the teachers and students.


Due to the pandemic year, many are greatly affected. Therefore, we are very cautious with good hygiene. To gain more knowledge, the students had watched the short clip from DSEJ of how to prevent from the coronavirus. After the video, our homeroom teachers had introduced themselves and the students

接下來進行到了開學典禮的第五項內容,學校派了2-3名學生代表進行了主題為《做更好的自己To become my better self》的發言,學生們在同學的分享中學習經驗與方法,對新學期更加充滿期待,在接下來的日子裏不斷成長,做更好的自己。開學典禮第六項,也是最後一項內容,全體學生同唱校歌,校歌唱起的一瞬間意味著新同學成為了學校的一份子,各位同學也伴隨著朗朗歌聲正式邁入了新學期,開啟全新的學習生活。

A few students were randomly selected to deliver a speech about ‘To become my better self’ to share their own experience at the school. Moreover, new goals set for the year ahead to improve themselves in all ways. Lastly, all the students sang the school song gracefully.


A very smooth opening ceremony completed for the day and we wish a new hopeful school year ahead for all. We all try our best!


迎嶄新的晨光 灑書墨的芬芳